BME Online Equipment Booking
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Rules, Guidelines and Penalty for using BME facilities: BME major equipment and facilities are one of the core to support the long term development/growth of the Department. Therefore, they need to be used with caution, the workplace and the facilities should be managed and maintained in good condition at all time. As such, with effect from 1 July 2024, all users need to strictly follow the rules and regulations as listed below. Any violation will subject to immediate suspension of their access to all BME Lab and shared facility for ONE week. Subsequent violation of the regulation will double the penalty each time, that is TWO weeks suspension for the second time, and THREE weeks suspension for the third time, so far and so forth. Example of violation of rules and regulations:- • Trespass individual Lab area without prior approval • Access and use of an equipment without prior booking and approval • Access and use of an equipment well beyond its approved booking period • Bring in other people to enter the Lab who do not have right to access, and without prior consent by EIC • Allow/assist other people to use an equipment who do not have right to use, and without prior consent by EIC • Do not follow the operation and safety guide in operating an equipment • Do not clean and tidy up the workplace after use to an extend that it affects the operation of the next user. • Do not close the door of the lab at all time and lead to other unauthorized people enter the Lab area. • And others as considered appropriate and relevant by BME Lab Office
Training Time Table